Project brain storming
Attention of Worldwide about that Lack of water in the Earth.
> Bath trend search > Reflect foot bath-half of bath-whole body bath.

Designers are total four, name is Seung Hyun Lee, il Woong Jwa, Bom Yi Lee, Jiwon Moon.
It finished in 2012 .9 support work for IF product design. And Academic project for graduate work.

This bath can be bathed by tilt control.
Tilt adjustment affects water saving.
Tilt adjustment affects water saving.

"Title - Multi-function bathtub for save water"
"The usage of quantity of water is absolutely different, according to different uses of a bathtub; for foot bath, half-body bath and full-body.
But the bathtubs of today have a bad structure that wastes so much of water. We have realized the need of new bathtub design that satisfies the save of water.
So here we propose multi-water save bathtub for all types of baths.
Under the tub we have six rollers and a center rail. they control the quantity of water by adjusting the angle toward front and back, like a see-saw.
This could save 80%of water for foot bath, 60% of water for half-body and 40% for full-body."

This concept design selected Yankodesign Top 50.